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Faculty Appointment and Dismissal

  • NTNU Full-time Faculty Member Employment Application Form
  • NTNU Project Lecturers Employment Application Form (University Endowment Fund Version)
  • NTNU Lecturer(Contract) Employment Application Form
  • Application Form for the Recruitment of Visiting Personnel
  • National Taiwan Normal University Agreement for Visiting Personnel
  • NTNU Professor Emeritus Appointment Form
  • NTNU Adjunct Faculty Member Employment Application Form
  • NTNU Employment Application Form for Adjunct Technical Specialist

Promotion and Qualifications Review

  • National Taiwan Normal University Contract Faculty Members Evaluation Form
  • Ministry of Education Co-authorship Certification of Representative Works for Accreditation of Teacher Qualifications at Junior Colleges and Institutions of Higher Education
  • NTNU Summary Table of Regulations Relevant to Faculty Member Promotion
  • Checklist for the NTNU Faculty Promotion Application

Adjunct Positions and Secondment

  • NTNU Full-Time Faculty Members Concurrent Position outside the University Application Form

Sabbatical Leave for ProfessorsTraveling Abroad to Lecture, Conduct Research or Pursue Further Studies

  • NTNU Data Form for Professors Applying for Sabbatical Leave
  • NTNU Research Project for Professor Sabbatical Leave
  • NTNU Research Report of Professor Sabbatical Leave
  • NTNU Unpaid Leave Application for Lecture, Research, or Study Abroad
  • NTNU Report on Lecture, Research, or Study Abroad

Examination, Evaluation and Reward

Leave of Absence, Traveling Abroad and Mainland Area

  • National Taiwan Normal University Faculty and Research Staff Leave of Absence Application Form
  • National Taiwan Normal University Faculty and Administrative Staff Business Trip Application Form
  • National Taiwan Normal University Administrative Staff Domestic Business Trip Work Form
  • National Taiwan Normal University Faculty and Administrative Staff Application Form for International Travel
  • National Taiwan Normal University University Endowment Fund for Overseas Travel Form
  • Application Form for Entry to the Mainland Area


  • National Health Insurance Enrollment Application for Category I Applicants
  • Application for withdrawal (transfer) from the National Health Insurance
  • NTNU Labor InsurancePension Application for Part-Time Faculty Members
  • NTNU Labor Insurance Pension Application (Joint Application)
  • Category I National Health Insurance Application (Transfer) for Part-Time Faculty Without A Full-Time Job
  • Affidavit for Retired Personnel Seeking Part-time Re-Employment
  • NTNU Part-Time Faculty Supporting Document Checklist

Grant and Subsidy Application

  • NTNU Application Form for Children Education Subsidy
  • NTNU Application Form for Medical Check-up Subsidy
  • NTNU School Application Form for Teacher and Staff's Wedding Funeral and Childbirth
  • Application Form for Enrollment of NTNU Faculty and Staff Dependents in the Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University


  • Please look at the NTNU Faculty Quick Start Guide


  • National Taiwan Normal University Teaching (Research) Personnel Resignation Form
  • National Taiwan Normal University Faculty & Staff Resignation Form

Service Certificate

  • NTNU Application Form for Teachers' On-the-Job and Service Certificates
  • NTNU Application Form for Service Certificate(for former employees)
  • NTNU Application Form for Certificate of Part-time Teaching


  • NTNU Faculty Grievances Committee Appeal Instrument